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[Review] Bangla movie sathi | Jeet Bangla Movie 2019

Are you want to see Bangla movie sathi and also read about this movie? Then read this post.

bangla movie sathi

Bangla movie sathi - Review:

Sathi is an Indian-Bangla movie. Jeet is the hero of this movie and Priyanka Trivedi is the heroine of this movie. 
Sathi Film is directed by Haranath Chakraborty.

Staring list:

  1. Jeet as Bijoy
  2. Priyanka Trivedi as Sonali
  3. Anamika Sonali's grandmother
  4. Rajesh Sharma
  5. Sumitra as Bijoys Mother


Sathi movie Jeet character name is Bijoy. Bijoy is a talentent singer who live in village of Burdwan district. Who is also a aspiring singer.
Bijoy has a brother a mother those who love him.
One day bijoy got a called from musical tycoon and then he go to Calcutta and he saw that his mentor was died!

Sathi movie story is very mind blowing and wonderful. If you watch this movie I hope you like this movie. 

About Sathi Movie:
Column1 Column2
Relase date: 14-06-2002
Singer: SP Venkatesh
Producer: Shree Venkatesh
Language: Bangla
Country: India
Starring: Jeet
Ranjit Mallick
Rajesh Sharma
Movie Length 2h 16min

Indian bangla movie sathi Song List: 

No Title Singer
1 Bolbo Tomaye Anuradaha Sriram and Mano
2 Porabashi dak diye jaye Swarnalata and Mano
3 Ei gaan Mano
4 Oo Bodhu Mano
5 Ei Valobasha Mano
6 O Bondhu Anuradaha Sriram

Sathi 2002 movie watch:

Sorry to say that Sathi you can't watch this movie by free😭. If you want to really watch this movie then you can see this movie by registration form here: 

Sathi movie Watching link

I hope this post can give you a idea about bangla sathi movie. And also you can watch this movie.
If you like this post then share this post and if you need another movie review or watch link then comment here. We are waiting for your comment. 
